Specific MLP rebate program requirements can be refrenced by visiting Abode's MLP homepage
This form is for contractors/installers whose customers are applying for the WMLP’s NEW Whole-Home or Partial-Home heat pump rebate programs effective August 15, 2024.
For more information, please refer to the WMLP Webpage
Thank you,
The Abode Team
RMLD Rebate Application Form link
(Be sure to open in a new tab/window or you could lose your progress on this form.)
Effective January 1st, 2024, the CMLP team will be reviewing all pre-approval and Install QA submissions and will be the primary point of contact for programmatic questions. Abode will no longer be reviewing these submissions. All CMLP-related forms that had been hosted by Abode have been shut down. For your convenience, the new Pre-Approval and Install QA forms are linked below.
Please note, Abode’s other MLP programs are not affected by this update. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Customers of RMLD who heat their home with natural gas are eligible for Mass Save's enhanced heat pump rebates. RMLD will no longer be offering rebates to these customers.
Please refer to the Mass Save heat pump rebate webpage here, and assist your customer with applying for the applicable Mass Save rebate. Please also be aware of the following differences in the Mass Save rebate program's requirements compared to RMLD's rebate program.
Customers of HMLP who heat their home with natural gas are now eligible for Mass Save's enhanced heat pump rebates for 2022-2024. HMLP will no longer be offering rebates to these customers.
Please refer to the Mass Save heat pump rebate webpage here, and assist your customer with applying for the applicable Mass Save rebate. Please also be aware of the following differences in the Mass Save rebate program's requirements compared to HMLP's rebate program.
Customers of NMLD who heat their home with natural gas are now eligible for Mass Save's enhanced heat pump rebates for 2022-2024. NMLD will no longer be offering rebates to these customers.
Please refer to the Mass Save heat pump rebate webpage here, and assist your customer with applying for the applicable Mass Save rebate. Please also be aware of the following differences in the Mass Save rebate program's requirements compared to NMLD's rebate program.
Customers of WMLP who heat their home with natural gas are now eligible for Mass Save's enhanced heat pump rebates for 2022-2024. WMLP will no longer be offering rebates to these customers.
Please refer to the Mass Save heat pump rebate webpage here, and assist your customer with applying for the applicable Mass Save rebate. Please also be aware of the following differences in the Mass Save rebate program's requirements compared to WMLP's rebate program.
Customers of CMLP who heat their home with natural gas are now eligible for Mass Save's enhanced heat pump rebates for 2022-2024. CMLP will no longer be offering rebates to these customers.
Please refer to the Mass Save heat pump rebate webpage here, and assist your customer with applying for the applicable Mass Save rebate. The Mass Save program does not require a pre-install or post-install approval through Abode.
Please input the combined actual tonnage of the system/s installed. MGED rebates are based on actual tonnage. (*1 ton = 12,000 Btu cooling capacity at 95°F). Example: 3.75 tons (45,000 Btu). Tons. BTU.